September 23, 2024
September 23, 2024
Greetings from Republic School District!
The Republic School District is seeking your input on potential future facility projects to best meet the needs of the growth our community is experiencing. With the support of our community, over the last seven years we have been able to address facility needs to accommodate the growth we continue to experience at the early childhood through middle school levels. At this time, we would like to gather feedback regarding how best to address the growth needs at the high school level along with other potential district-wide projects.
In December of 2022 a similar survey to the one linked below was distributed to stakeholders. Results indicated that 87% supported the need for additional classroom space at Republic High School and 68% supported building a multi-use indoor activity facility on the RHS campus. Since this feedback was received, district officials have been researching potential solutions, including visiting local and regional facilities.
The Republic School District would like to know your thoughts on building a multi-use indoor activity facility located behind RHS that would include approximately 40,000 square feet of additional classroom space and a large turfed area to be used by students both during and outside of the school day.
The classroom space in the new facility would house band, choir, JROTC and a weight room; which are all larger classroom spaces currently inside RHS. Therefore, moving them to a new facility would provide the opportunity to create approximately 8-9 new traditional-sized classroom spaces inside of RHS.
Dedicated spaces for the school’s dance, cheer and wrestling programs would be included.
Due to the growth of students participating in the many activities and athletic programs at RHS, practice space is becoming more and more limited. This often creates less than ideal practice environments. The turfed area would provide a solution to this problem.
In addition, the turfed area would prevent missed practices due to inclement weather for students in various activities and athletics (band, football, baseball, softball, soccer, dance, cheer, etc.).
District officials have shared this information with the Board of Education, and they have asked that the district move forward in putting together a formal proposal to possibly be placed on the April 8, 2025 ballot as a no tax levy increase bond issue. In addition to a multi-use indoor activity facility, district officials would like the community’s input on also including the following projects as part of a potential no tax levy increase bond issue, if budgeting allows. If the budget does not allow for these items to be part of a no tax levy increase bond issue proposal, feedback from this survey will be used to determine which of these projects take priority when considering other funding pathways for future facility upgrades and projects.
Upgrades to Republic Middle School, including the addition of air conditioning in the auxiliary gym
Air conditioning in the Price Elementary gym
Window safety and security film added to all school entrance vestibules for additional security. This product provides impact protection to windows that strengthens their integrity. This can delay intruders trying to forcefully enter buildings.
HVAC replacements for older units in the district
Turf for the RHS softball and baseball fields
To help guide the district’s next steps, please CLICK HERE to complete a short survey.
Providing your feedback should take approximately five minutes to complete, and the survey will be open until midnight on October 4. Thank you!
Josey McPhail
Director of Engagement and Community Relations
Republic School District